domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010

A tragédia está nas ruas!

After him came a man with the following story: On his walks through the streets—though it was even more exciting when one rode a trolley— he had for years been in the habit of counting the number of straight strokes in the big block letters of the ship signs (there were three strokes in an A, for instance, and four in an M) and dividing the sum total by the number of letters counted. His average so far had been consistently two and a half strokes to a letter, but this was obviously not invariable, since it could change with every new street. Now, deviations from the norm could be quite distressing, while there was great satisfaction every time the numbers came out right— an effect quite like the catharsis said to be achieved while watching classical tragedy on the stage.

Robert MusilO Homem Sem Qualidades. Tradução de Sophie Wilkins e Burton Pike. Picador. (1995)

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