sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

Leitores Atentos §7

O macaco mais belo é feio comparado ao género humano.
πιθήκων ὁ κάλλιστος αἰσχρὸς ἀνθρώπων γένει συμβάλλειν.

O mais sábio dos homens, diante do deus, um macaco revelar-se-á, na sabedoria, na beleza e em tudo o mais.
ἀνθρώπων ὁ σοφώτατος πρὸς θεὸν πίθηκος φανεῖται καὶ σοφίαι καὶ κάλλει καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις πᾶσιν.

Heraclito (DK B 82 e 83), Fragmentos Contextualizados
Lisboa, INCM: 2005. (trad.: Alexandre Costa).

The rational human being, when compared with the dumb animals, will seem eloquent [...]. But if we consider the divine WORD itself and gaze upon the divine wisdom, we will prove to be far more of a dumb animal in relation to God than the animals are in relation to us. This indeed was what the blessed David saw when, weighing himself in comparison with divine wisdom, he said: "I was like a beast toward thee" (Ps 73, 22).

Orígenes* (h. Ex. 3, 1-2, sive 548, na presente antologia),
Spirit & Fire - A Thematic Anthology of His Writings, por Urs Von Balthasar
Catholic University of America, Washigton D.C.: 1984. (trad.: Robert Daly, s.j.)

* Ao professor deste senhor, Clemente de Alexandria, devemos duas dúzias (!) dos fragmentos de Heraclito. Por isso, podemos ter a certeza que Orígenes leu Heraclito (de qualquer forma, os fragmentos acima chegaram-nos via Platão, leitura de cabeceira de Orígenes).

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