segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011

Iris Project

The Iris Project is an educational charity introducing the languages and culture of the ancient world to UK state schools in order to enrich the curriculum. It was founded in the belief that the opportunity to learn about Classical languages, literature, histories and art should be made available to all, regardless of background, and that learning about these fascinating subjects can be a vital tool in promoting learning across the school curriculum in UK state schools. We run a wide range of initiatives in state schools across the country, focusing especially on children in socially excluded inner city regions, and we also run projects which introduce Classics to adults in city communities.

[...] Iris was the Roman messenger goddess, darting tirelessly between worlds; the ancients often drew and wrote about her as a rainbow, or as moving on a rainbow, full of dazzling colour. The Classical world is brimful of colour – its art, stories, religions, buildings, music, thoughts and ideas – so vibrant that our world is still coloured by them to this day. The project has been named after Iris, since like her, it is a messenger between the old and the new.

retirado daqui.

Já antes tínhamos referido aqui uma das iniciativas do Iris Project, mas só recentemente me chamaram atenção para a organização em si. O site está bem construído, de fácil consulta, e cheio de materiais. Surpreende-me, sobretudo, a quantidade de iniciativas diferentes, mas sempre criativas, que eles vão promovendo. É bom saber que, também noutros lados, há quem se recuse a simplesmente deixar desaparecer a chama de Grécia e Roma.

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