quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

Esopo e a Coreia do Norte

Uma coisa que me irrita sempre que leio os livros de fábulas de Esopo é o modo como os editores e os tradutores tão agressivamente censuram os vários contos que o fabulista escreveu sobre o conflito entre as duas Coreias.

"We presented and explained to [the council] the evidence that the Cheonan was sunk by a torpedo, which was made in North Korea, and launching was also done by a North Korean ... submarine," said Yoon Duk-yong, a science and physics professor serving as a civilian expert on the South Korean panel.

Yoon said the findings were based on evidence recovered after the sinking, including an intact piece of the torpedo with propellers, steering plates and a motor.

"We hope that on the basis of these findings," he said, "the Security Council will take timely and appropriate measures against the provocation of North Korea against the naval ship of the Republic of Korea."

But North Korea's ambassador disputed the international findings, comparing them to "some kind of fiction in Aesop's Fables."

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