terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010

Cristianismo Primitivo e Cosmética Grega

Porque este blog tem tido demasiado Santo Agostinho ultimamente.

Hans was a colourless young man, bony without being tall or strong, who tended to wipe his hands on his hair or his clothes and peer, wherever possible, into a small round tin-framed pocket mirror because he was always troubled by some new eruption of his muddy skin. But this, with the possible exception of the pocket mirror, was exactly how Gerda pictured the early Roman Christians, forgathering in their underground catacombs in defiance of his persecutors. It was not an exact correspondence of details that she meant, after all, but the basic general feeling of terror shared with the early Christian martyrs, as she saw them. Actually, she found the well-scrubbed and scented pagans more attractive, but taking sides with the Christians was a sacrifice one owed to one's character.

Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften

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