segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

Hobbes Leitor de Orígenes (Theologia Política Renascentista §2)

And as the Power, so also the Honour of the Soveraign, ought to be greater, than that of any, or all the Subjects. For in the Soveraignty is the fountain of Honour. The dignities of Lord, Earle, Duke, and Prince are his Creatures. As in the presence of the Master, the Servants are equall, and without any honour at all; So are the Subjects, in the presence of the Soveraign. And though they shine some more, some lesse, when they are out of his sight; yet in his presence, they shine no more than the Starres in presence of the Sun.

Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan. Project Gutenberg.

Although Abraham may have been just and Moses just, and each one of the famous men just, compared with Christ they are not just; their light compared with his light turns out to be darkness. And just as the light of a lamp becomes dark before the rays of the sun, and becomes dark like any other blind matter, so too the light of all the just: it may be bright before men, but it is not bright before Christ. . . . As the splendor of the moon and the glittering stars of the heaven sparkle in their places before the sun rises, but as soon as the sun rises go into hiding, so too before the true light of the sun of justice rises, the light of the church, like the light of the moon, is bright and clear before men; but when Christ comes it fades before him. As it is written: "The light will shine in the darkness." (João 1:5)

Orígenes. Spirit & Fire. Robert J. Daly (trad). The Catholic University of America Press (1984).

Fuerit licet justus Abraham, et justus Moyses, justus unusquisque illustrium virorum: sed ad comparationem Christi non sunt justi. Lux eorum cum ejus luce composita tenebrae reperiuntur. Et quomodo lumen lucernae ad solis radios obscuratur, et velut alia quaedam caeca materies contenebrescit; sic licet fulgeat justorum omnium lumen ante homines, non tamen fulget ante Christum. [Lucet quippe lumen vestrum, non simpliciter dictum est, sed luceat ante homines. Ante Christum non potest lumen fulgere justorum.] Ut splendor lunae et micantia coeli sidera, priusquam sol oriatur, in stationibus suis rutilant, orto vero sole absconduntur; sic lumen Ecclesiae ut lumen lunae, priusquam oriatur lumen illud verum solis justitiae, resplendet, et clarum est ante homines, cum autem Christus venereit, ante eum contenebrescet. Dicitur et alibi: Lux in telebris lucet. [Fonte: p367 do pdf.]

1 comentário:

  1. O Hobbes conta como renascentista? Vou querer que sim. Também: não tarda nada este blog precisa da sub-rubrica (à maneira do Mixórdias) 'Hobbes a fazer coisas', fui ver ao histórico e já o temos como leitor, tradutor, rebelde, classicista, e sabem os deuses lá mais o quê.
