sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Putin, Arqueólogo

When a scuba-diving Vladimir Putin found two ancient Greek urns on the floor of the Black Sea this week, it seemed a startling discovery. In his latest spurt of televised heroics, the Russian prime minister raised a triumphant thumb as he circled the pair of amphorae in shallow waters off the Taman peninsula near Ukraine. The find came to "everyone's utter surprise", claimed the slavishly devotional Russia Today and other state-controlled TV channels. Once on dry land, Putin posed in his wetsuit with a jug in each hand.

But independent media and Russia's lively blogosphere are now ridiculing the incident, in a sign of increasing weariness of Putin's macho photo ops – such as bare-chested fishing, piloting a "water bomber" over forest fires and diving to the bottom of lake Baikal in a mini-submarine. Critics said Putin's pots were suspiciously unmossy and were probably planted specially for him to discover.

ler a notícia completa aqui.

ACTUALIZAÇÃO: agora o vídeo sub-aquático da descoberta.
ACTUALIZAÇÃO 2: confirma-se o embuste.

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